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Vitanetic® Phyto Complex

Vitanetic® Phyto Complex

Member price: RM199

Non-member price: RM246

  • Description

    Vitanetic® Phyto Complex is specially formulated to protect your body against free radicals. It is power-packed with antioxidants derived from plant-based extracts to boost the body’s immune system.

  • Benefits

    • Formulated with both soluble and insoluble fiber sources
    • Neutralizes free radicals
    • Eases cold and flu symptoms
    • Strengthens immune system and fights off infections
    • Helps prevent premature aging symptoms
    • Safe and convenient
    • Suitable for long-term use
  • FAQs

    What is Vitanetic Phyto Complex?

    Vitanetic® Phyto Complex is a specially formulated to protect your body against free radicals. It is power-packed with antioxidants derived from plant-based extracts to boost the body’s immune system.


    What are the ingredients of Vitanetic® Phyto Complex?

    Vitanetic® Phyto Complex contains Amla, Grape Seed Extract, Baobab and Beta Glucan.


    What are free radicals?

    Free radicals are atoms with single missing electrons which cause them to be unstable and highly reactive. They attack and take electrons from healthy cells in the body, such as DNA, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. Free radicals are generated by our body by internal and external causes, including inflammation, exercise, smoking cigarette, environmental pollutants, radiation, industrial chemicals and more.


    What is the impact of free radicals on our health?

    Many researches show that overload of free radicals can cause the following health conditions:

    • Acceleration of aging processes
    • Deterioration of eye lens
    • Triggers inflammation of the joints
    • Suppresses the immune system
    • Increases the risk of coronary heart disease
    • Can virtually cause all cancers
    • Causes damage to nerve cells in the brain, which contributes to Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease


    What are antioxidants and why do we need to take antioxidants?

    Antioxidants help to repair damaged cells by stabilizing free radicals and transferring their own electron to the unstable atoms. Every day, we are exposed to free radicals through many factors including environment pollutants such as automobile exhaust, pesticides, herbicides, industry chemicals, chlorine in the water and many more. Even lifestyle factors such as stress, poor diet, smoking, drinking alcohol, using mobile phone and watching TV can create free radicals in our body. No matter where we live and how careful we are, there is no way that we can avoid it. Therefore, we have to consume antioxidants to maintain a healthy body.


    What is the uniqueness of grape seed extract in Vitanetic® Phyto Complex?

    Grape seed extract is well-known as a super-antioxidant. The oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) components in grape seed extract are 50 times stronger than vitamin E and 20 times stronger than vitamin C. It strengthens blood vessels, improves skin and aids in blood circulation. Moreover, it can accelerate elimination of toxin, repair damaged collagen and function as cardiovascular health protection.


    What is grape seed extract? Will I obtain the same result if I consume raw grape seed?

    Vitanetic® Phyto Complex utilizes a high-technology extraction method which allows for the extraction of OPC, a concentrated and potent super antioxidant, from grape seed. A grape seed in its natural form would need to be grinded and chewed to allow for any OPC absorption, failing which, any seeds swallowed would only be excreted from our body. Besides OPC, raw grape seed also contains toxins that might induce diarrhea or stomach discomfort. By consuming Vitanetic® Collaglo Phyto Complex, you can enjoy the benefits of OPC in the safest way.


    Can I consume Vitanetic® Phyto Complex if I am a vegetarian?

    Yes. All the ingredients used in Vitanetic® Phyto Complex are plant-based and contains lactose. It is suitable for lacto vegetarian and lacto-ovo-vegetarian.


    How do I consume Vitanetic® Phyto Complex?

    You are recommended to consume 1 sachet of Vitanetic® Phyto Complex every day. Vitanetic® Phyto Complex is not a medicine. Therefore, we can consume it at any time. Vitanetic® Phyto Complex is not recommended to be taken on an empty stomach for those who are suffering from gastric problems.

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